Ojan Healthcare Ltd | Personalised Home Care Services in the UK
If you have a complaint, our guide can assist you with our complaints procedure. Please refer to our complaints procedure.
Complaints Procedure
Policy Statement
Aim of the Complaints Procedure.
OJAN Healthcare Ltd strives to ensure that its complaints procedure is appropriately and efficiently implemented, ensuring that service users have confidence that their complaints and concerns are heard and addressed promptly and fairly.
Specifically, it aims to ensure that:
OJAN Healthcare Ltd:-
The named complaints manager with responsibility for following through complaints for OJAN Healthcare Ltd is:
Pedita Jeche
Address: Victoria House, 400 Pavilion Drive, Brackmills, Northampton, NN47PA
Telephone: 07826652746
Email: info@ojanhealthcare.co.uk
Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)
Care Quality Commission Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA
Telephone: 03000 616161
If there is a complaint regarding alleged abuse or a suspicion of abuse, the organisation will promptly report the matter to the Local Safeguarding Board manager. Typically, the board may convene a strategy meeting to discuss and determine the next course of action. This may involve an evaluation of the accusation by a member of the Safeguarding Authority team.
Complaints Procedure
Verbal complaints
Serious or written complaints
Preliminary steps:
Investigation of the complaint by OJAN Healthcare Ltd:
Follow-up action:
The senior management at OJAN Healthcare Ltd formally reviews all complaints at least every six months as part of its quality monitoring and improvement procedures to identify the lessons learned.