Ojan Healthcare Ltd | Personalised Home Care Services in the UK

Welcome to a Renewed Life: Your Journey Begins with Our Homecare Services


Welcome to OJAN Healthcare Ltd

If you have a complaint, our guide can assist you with our complaints procedure. Please refer to our complaints procedure.


Complaints Procedure


Policy Statement


  1. Service users have the right to voice complaints and express concerns regarding the services they receive, and OJAN Healthcare Ltd. acknowledges and values this right. It acknowledges that complaints can be valuable chances for personal growth, learning, and improving service quality, while also promoting open communication.


  1. The main goal of the policy is to ensure that complaints are handled properly, taking into account all feedback from service users, their families, carers, and advocates with great seriousness.


  1. Please be aware that this policy does not aim to assign blame, consider fault, or offer compensation. This point needs to be clarified. There may not be a connection between it and the disciplinary actions taken by the agency.


  1. OJAN Healthcare Ltd believes that addressing concerns is important to prevent problems from escalating and potentially causing dissatisfaction among users, as well as potential legal consequences. OJAN Healthcare Ltd. prioritises resolving complaints at a local level between the complainant and their Registered Manager. The company values early, transparent, and honest resolutions during its operations.



Aim of the Complaints Procedure.


OJAN Healthcare Ltd strives to ensure that its complaints procedure is appropriately and efficiently implemented, ensuring that service users have confidence that their complaints and concerns are heard and addressed promptly and fairly.


Specifically, it aims to ensure that:


  1. Service users, carers, and their representatives are informed about the complaint process and are aware that OJAN Healthcare Ltd offers user-friendly options for registering complaints.


  1. A designated individual will be responsible for the administration of the Complaints procedure.


  1. OJAN Healthcare Ltd will strive to respond to all written complaints within two working days.


  1. Complaints are typically investigated within a period of 28 days from the time they are made.


  1. All complaints will receive a written response within 28 days of being submitted.


  1. Complaints are handled promptly, fairly, and with sensitivity, taking into consideration the potential distress and concern they may cause to both staff and service users.




OJAN Healthcare Ltd:-


The named complaints manager with responsibility for following through complaints for OJAN Healthcare Ltd is:


Pedita Jeche


Address: Victoria House, 400 Pavilion Drive, Brackmills, Northampton, NN47PA


Telephone: 07826652746


Email: info@ojanhealthcare.co.uk


Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)


  1. Once a complaint has been addressed by OJAN Healthcare Ltd, clients have the option to refer their complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) for further review if they remain unsatisfied with the outcome. The LGO offers a service that is free and independent.


  1. Clients are advised to visit the website of the LGO Advice Team and fill out the online complaint form to seek information, advice, or register a complaint. Please be cautious when contacting the following organisation: Telephone: 0300 061 0614 Website: www.lgo.org.uk


  1. The LGO typically waits for the provider to respond and address the issue before initiating an investigation into a complaint.


  1. Our service will be registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure proper oversight and compliance. The CQC is unable to intervene in individual complaints regarding providers, but we are always open to receiving information about our services. You can contact the CQC at:


Care Quality Commission Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA

Telephone: 03000 616161


If there is a complaint regarding alleged abuse or a suspicion of abuse, the organisation will promptly report the matter to the Local Safeguarding Board manager. Typically, the board may convene a strategy meeting to discuss and determine the next course of action. This may involve an evaluation of the accusation by a member of the Safeguarding Authority team.


Complaints Procedure


Verbal complaints


  1. OJAN Healthcare Ltd acknowledges the importance of treating all verbal complaints seriously, regardless of their perceived significance.


  1. OJAN Healthcare Ltd branch is expected to address and resolve verbal complaints.


  1. Staff are required to maintain a polite, courteous, sympathetic, and professional demeanour towards the complainant. They are encouraged to avoid adopting a defensive or aggressive attitude.


  1. Staff are always encouraged to respond to the complaint with calmness and respect.


  1. Staff should refrain from accepting blame, making excuses, or placing blame on other staff members.


  1. If a complaint is being made by an advocate on behalf of the service user, it is important to ensure that the advocate has proper authorisation to speak on behalf of the service user, particularly when confidential information is involved. It is important to be cautious when assuming that the advocate has the authority to act on behalf of the service user, as this may not always be the case. If there is any uncertainty, it is important to assume that the explicit permission of the service user is required before discussing the complaint with the advocate.


  1. After discussing the issue, the Care Coordinator or senior team member handling the complaint will propose a solution to address the complaint. If this course of action is deemed appropriate, it is advisable for the staff member to ensure clarity regarding the agreement with the complainant. Additionally, they should establish a mutually agreed upon method for communicating the outcome of the complaint to the complainant, such as arranging another meeting or sending a letter.


  1. If the proposed course of action is not satisfactory to the person making the complaint, the staff member or manager will request that the complaint be submitted in writing to the Registered Manager. If the complainant does not already have a copy, they should be provided with the OJAN Healthcare Ltd complaints procedure.


  1. All verbal and written complaints should be documented in the Complaints Book and the Service User’s file.



Serious or written complaints


Preliminary steps:


  • When OJAN Healthcare Ltd receives a written complaint, it is passed on to the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager then records the complaint in the Complaint Book and strives to send an acknowledgment letter to the complainant within two working days.


  • The manager provides a leaflet that outlines OJAN Healthcare Ltd’s procedure for the complainant. Our Operations Manager is responsible for handling the complaint throughout the process.


  • If needed, additional information is gathered from the person making the complaint. If the complaint is not made by the person using the service but on their behalf, consent from the person using the service must be obtained from the complainant, preferably in writing.


  • If the complaint involves serious matters, it may be advisable to consult with a legal advisor. If legal action is initiated at this point, any ongoing investigation by OJAN Healthcare Ltd under the complaints procedure will be halted.


  • If the complainant does not wish to have the investigation conducted by the organisation, they should be advised to contact the appropriate local authority (if they receive funding from them) or the Local Government Ombudsman service (if they self-fund) or organisations like Age UK or Counsel and Care for guidance on next steps. The CQC may be contacted in these circumstances, but it will not directly investigate a complaint.



Investigation of the complaint by OJAN Healthcare Ltd:


  • Upon receiving the complaint, the complaints manager promptly initiates an investigation. Within 28 days, they aim to provide a comprehensive response to the complainant, either in written form or by organising a meeting with the relevant individuals.


  • If the investigation cannot be completed within 28 days due to the complexity of the issues, the complainant will be notified about any delays.




  • If a meeting is scheduled, the complainant will be informed that they have the option to bring a friend, relative, or representative, such as an advocate, if they choose to do so.


  • During the meeting, a thorough explanation of the investigation results will be provided, and if necessary, an apology will be given (please note that apologising does not imply accepting responsibility).


  • Such a meeting allows the agency management to demonstrate to the complainant that the issue has been treated with utmost seriousness and has undergone a comprehensive investigation.


Follow-up action:


  • If the complainant does not wish to have a meeting, a written account of the investigation will be provided to them. This includes information on how to contact the Care Quality Commission if the complainant is unsatisfied with the outcome.


  • The outcomes of the investigation and the meeting are recorded in the Complaint Book, and any identified shortcomings in agency procedures will be addressed.


  • The outcome of the complaint is documented and forwarded to Head Office for further action.


The senior management at OJAN Healthcare Ltd formally reviews all complaints at least every six months as part of its quality monitoring and improvement procedures to identify the lessons learned.